
Health + Safety - Does no-one do ANYTHING any more?

Boiler Room
Originally uploaded by nickcummins

I've been having conversations for the last few months about getting access to the Boiler room at the Regent St site of NEWI, to shoot a scene for my film, 'Spider'
Up to now, there's been no objections to going down there, especially seeing as how other students and film crews have used the same location in the past, however, the official line from the Estates department, and the head of H+S is a resounding 'NO'. - Even though no-one from the H+S dept has even bothered to get off their lazy ass, and come down to have a look. Just sitting in their cozy offices, saying 'NO'.
This is really throwing a spanner in the works, as this location is paramount to my film, I've been scouting locations all over the place, and this location has the best feel and look, not to mention being perfectly geared up for the scene.
What this whole thing says to me is this: 'Fuck you boy-o, I'm fine' - as to say, 'I'm comfy here in my office, I cant be bothered to get up off my lazy ass and walk the 5 mins it takes to go and have a look, and I'm prepared to screw around with a student's final year film'.
I was thinking that this situation reflects the state of H+S laws at the moment, as they seem to be growing out of all control, (They'll be banning thumb tacks on notice boards soon) but then I realised that this stinks of NEWI's attitude towards art students (this includes animation, film, photography etc...) It's always the creative students that get screwed around, hell, we dont even have appropriate software on the computers here.


Painting with light

Painting with light
Originally uploaded by nickcummins

I've been thinking about why I like long exposures in photography. I came to a conclusion in bed the other night. Its the fact that with a long exposure, you can capture up to 30 seconds or longer in a single image, a single frame. Its almost as if you can film something for 30 seconds or so, then compress everything into a split-second of photography.

This comes to my mind, as I am a filmaker, to which photography goes hand in hand.

I'll be doing more experimental photography with longer exposures very soon, especially in the winter with the long nights